Prohibition of Bringing Weapons into School, Including Ammunition and Similar Objects As Well As Chemical Substances
1. The bringing of weapons (weapons: as defined in the German Federal ‘WaffG’ – Weapons Legislation) into school, onto school grounds, or to school events, or the carrying of such is prohibited. Weapons include prohibited objects as defined in the ‘WaffG’-Weapons Legislation (in particular so-called butterfly knives, push daggers, switchblade knives, gravity knives, steel rods, coshes, brass knuckles, etc.) as well as all other objects which are forbidden to be carried under the foregoing ‘WaffG’ – Weapons Legislation (one-hand knives and fixed-blade knives of more than 12 cm blade length), and also firearms.
2. This ban comprises similar offensive objects (such as: alarm guns, irritant spray guns, Very pistols), gas spray guns, axes and thrust weapons as well as weapon-like offensive objects such as butcher-, kitchen- or pocket-knives, pepper sprays and laser pointers.
3. This ban also applies to weapons the carrying of which is excluded in whole or in part from mandatory permits or prohibitions, or whose use is wholly or partly excluded from the ‘WaffG’-Weapons Legislation (e.g. toy weapons or soft-air weapons having a projectile energy of up to 0.5 Joules). The ban also extends to replica weapons that resemble weapons as defined in the ‘WaffG’-Weapons Legislation.
4. This ban also applies to students over eighteen years who may be in possession of a licence to carry weapons (e.g. a gun licence or alarm gun licence) or have the right to acquire certain weapons whose purchase is not restricted.
5. The ban further includes the carrying of ammunition of all kinds, fireworks, gunpowder as well as chemical substances that can be used to make explosive compounds.
6. School management can permit exceptions in individual cases such as sporting events or theatre performances, domestic science classes or school events involving catering.
7. All students are to be instructed on the content of this ‘RdErl.’ directive at the beginning of each school year. Particular attention is to be drawn to special age-related hazards. They are to be warned that infringements of this ban on weapons etc. will lead to disciplinary measures.
8. Parents or legal guardians are to be given a copy of this ‘RdErl.’- directive on the occasion of school enrolment (as a rule, in the beginning of the first and fifth school year or upon enrolment at an institution of occupational training).
9. This ‘RdErl.’ – directive goes into effect on 01.09.2014 and ends on 31.12.2019.
- BuddY-Schule -
Grund- und Oberschule in Cuxhaven
In unserem Leitbild stellen wir genauer dar, was uns wichtig ist. Als große Überschrift steht „Vielfalt ist Reichtum“. Wir sind eine Schule mit vielen Kulturen, die jeden Tag eine Bereicherung darstellen und uns viel Freude bereiten.